

Byzantine Inc
Name Byzantine Inc
Ticker BYZI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98486878

Members [0]


Byzantine INC

Byzantine Inc is a growing comunity of players with diverse experience levels working together to build a place that can be called home. We are mostly miners and ratters, and we do ops together frequently.

At Byzantine Inc our vision is to create a collaborative and respectfull enviroment to give support to our new capsuleers , but also to provide opportunities for growth for all.

Feel free to apply.

Share Market Price is currently 1400 isk per share.


list of current buying bulk prices if you deliever to us

Hedbergite - 480 isk per unit
Jaspet - 320 isk per unit
Omber - 72 isk per unit
Plagioclase - 59 isk per unit
Pyroxeres - 45 isk per unit
Scordite - 20 isk per unit
Veldspar - 16 isk per unit

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-01-10 08:01:34
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